Friday, December 29, 2006

Blog, redux

I am here.

I am.

I am a veterinarian, to small animals to be precise. Dogs and cats and the occasional hamster. I know as much about cows as the average dog and cat vet, which is to say I at one time knew enough to pass the boards but I've forgotten most of it. Horses are out of the question, not that any horse person would let me within 10 feet of their horse to begin with, since they can sense "non-horsey" people a mile away. Unless I am doing acupuncture, in which case they might let me near, at least temporarily. My training in that is more recent than my training in large animal medicine, and is less dusty.

I am a mother, to two small humans, two not so small cats and two definitely not small dogs. One boy and one girl per set, which appeals to my Virgo need for order and symmetery. I at one point thought getting through vet school was the biggest challenge of my life, but that was before I faced the task of raising children to be productive members of society as opposed to homicidal psychopaths. That is my biggest fear, if you must know, that despite my best efforts I will be the person whose child wreaks havoc and terror on Your City, USA and I am the distraught person telling the newspaper reporter that I have no idea what went wrong.

I am a writer. I can't not write. Sentences and paragraphs form in my head and narrate themselves in the vague non-specific voice that resides somewhere behind the optic nerve. Sometimes the voice tries to be sentimental, or deep or whatever and write things that will make people think, or shudder appreciatively, or want to paste it and forward it to their friends as an example of something "meaningful." Mostly though, my narrator is a smart ass who takes notes on the seething masses swirling around her and makes unflattering comparisons. I am hoping one day she will become a nicer person but at this point I'm somewhat resigned to her mean streak, because to be honest it makes me laugh a lot. Yep, I laugh at my own jokes.

So here I am, and on we drone.

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